We generate the special fingerprint of each of our customers in our system.

With the world's leading software technologies, we prepare the images from our customers for the efficient flexo printing and protect our customers from issues that may occur during printing (e.g. ink consumption, waste, set-up time).

HD Flexo software of Esko, the world's leading plate software producer, supports us to prepare all types of plates requested by our customers.

CDI system of Esko, the world-leading plate hardware manufacturer, provide us to offer our customers all types of plate processing services such as HD, Pixel+.

By using Esko Crystal technology, which is the highest technology around the World, with the software and hardware altogether, we partner up our customers with the up-to-date equipment/ technology precisely.

We cut the plates we produce with the highest quality untouched and zero and we save a significant amount of waste & time in the prepress preparations of our customers.

We prevent possible errors by passing our products through all control steps before and after the plate production.